
Minggu, 11 November 2012

Thank you my past

may be a little stale, but I really want to write this, for souls who are still often oppressed their past. I have experienced this many times, let the past hinder my future. so many times I am hurt because of love.

but now, I know it such a stupid thing to do, to keep live with wrong person and let ourself damn hurt. we can't forget our past, except we've got amnesia or we've die, past is always past and the memories would always remain. 

lost our mostly loves person never easy to forget. they like a shadow that never shown. always follow us, always remind us about the bad and the sweet memories that make us too hard to forget. as simply, we can't forgive our hurt past at ease. they like evil ghost that never unforgivable by God. 

but guys, let we think about it once again. one form to show our love is being sincere. when they come to us to give a promise for made our life beautiful, with any pleasure we accept it. its also occur when they let them self gone and let us get such a hurt, we just need to let them go head up, stay strong. Fake a smile, move will better to your heart. never stop thankful to God because I guess God simply wants us to meet many wrong people before we meet  the right one.

well, from now I will go forward without looking back again. No more of my tears will be wasted on you. because when I'm crying. when I'm begging. you always do nothing.

Thank you for anything that you give to me, my past.
I would never strong as strong like now without you. once again THANK YOU my past! ;)

with much loves,

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

in SHS hihi ƪ(♥ε♥)ʃ

akhirnya.. foto pas SMA hehe ^o^ love yaaaaaaa :*

aw he pinch my cheek ^^

love this one ƪ(ε)ʃ


Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

dolphin dolphey dolphey (˘ﻬ˘)

gatau kenapa sejak SMP aku sueneng banget sama hewan yang namanya lumba-lumba. dia itu hewan yang penurut. dia unik. lucu. juga pinter.
firman juga tau aku suka lumba-lumba. sampe pada suatu saat pengumuman penerimaan di SMA menyebutkan firman gak keterima di SMA 1. jadilah dia pindah ke SDA LDR deh T.T dia ngasih aku 1 set aceccories lumba-lumba. mulai dari boneka, gantungan kunci, pigora, jam n masih ada beberapa lagi buat kenang-kenangan gitu hehe. tapi ternyata dia dapet panggilan dari SMAN 1 buat masuk ke sini. dia diterima! seneng banget aku :D 

"dolphin has inspirate my life to be perfection"

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

Sunday, 15-01-12

halooo selamaat pagiiii ^^ Happy Sunday ya all :)
hari minggu ini bukan hari minggu di tengah liburan lagi, sebagai pelajar SMA hari minggu diartikan sebagai hari mengerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah untuk minggu selanjutnya. fiuh! tapi gapapa lah paling gak kita gak ketemu guru-guru killer itu -_- tapi kenapa hari minggu yang harusnya hari untuk kita para pelajar istirahat mesti terasa sangat cepat :|
hem hem mau tau tugas yang harus aku kerjakan hari ini? ini nih tugasku buat minggu selanjutnya

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012


heloo sudah 2012 yah sekarang :)
cepet banget rasanya. berarti udah setengah tahun aku pisah sama 9B, udah setengah tahun aku belajar sama keluarga baru -INTENTS- kalian tau? betapa kangennya aku sama songeb. jujur aja. aku belum bisa beradaptasi maksimal dengan INTENTS. mungkin belum kali ya. dan kali ini aku mau posting foto songeb aja. posting foto-foto kita yang gila banget selama 3tahun.